The aim of the SWEET-initiative is to improve treatment outcomes in individuals with diabetes using a standardized documentation and objective comparison of quality indicators as well as through multi-centre outcome research.
If you are already using a patient documentation system in your institution, or if you extract the SWEET-data from a registry, please provide the data as shown in this exemplary excel file
Create a data file (e.g. Excel, CSV, dbf, XML, Access) containing your current data and upload this file to the server (
A list of the current SWEET dataset with explanations is available in this document.
A list of the current SWEET dataset with explanations is available in this document:
Here you can find an excel file with exemplary data.
Exemplary data [Excel]Sensor data from various CGM-/FGM-meters can be imported into DPV since version 7.35.
If you are not using DPV, you can create a ZIP-file containing all your sensor data.
Please use the following convention for naming the individual files:
“<<patientid>-<<Year>-<<Month>.<<file extension>” (e.g. “745-2019-07.txt”) so we can match your sensor data to your patients’ data.
How to contribute sensor data to SWEET using an individual documentation system [PDF]